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Answers to your questions

Thank you to everyone who has already reviewed the designs for the new Thornbury Health Centre and given your feedback. We’ve been asked several questions, so we’ve updated our Frequently Asked Questions document and provided responses to some of your most common queries below.

As a reminder, you are most welcome to join us at St Mary’s Hall in Thornbury on Thursday 29 August, between 3-7pm where members of the design team will be on hand to discuss the plans and designs.

Answers to your questions

What will you be doing to ensure cycle lockups are secure? 

We know security is a key concern for cyclists and we are looking at best practice elsewhere to ensure we install the right storage facilities so that everyone can store their bikes securely.

Will there be shower and changing room facilities for staff?


Is there need for electric vehicle charging points in the car park?

Yes, it is a planning requirement for modern buildings to allocate a proportion of parking spaces for electric vehicles to future proof them for both current and future need. The designs include comprehensive parking provision for all types of vehicle, but in practice, if there was restricted parking space, petrol/diesel vehicles would be able to use spaces allocated for electric vehicles.

Will you be using lower energy building materials in construction?

Yes, the building has been designed to reduce the cost of heating and running the facilities, but the NHS Net Zero Standard also requires designers to adopt low energy design principles and materials in the construction of new buildings.

Have you allocated space for a play area for children? 

No, we recognise parents might welcome play facilities for children in the waiting area, however, in discussions with the GP practices, it was decided not to provide them. A children’s play area in a doctor’s surgery presents a significant infection control risk and the priority is to minimise risks to the most sick and vulnerable patients.

Are patients at St Mary’s surgery being moved to the new premises? 

No, it will offer a dedicated space for the Streamside and Severn View practices.


We will continue to update the frequently asked questions document to answer your queries and questions.

Posted on 28th August 2024

by South Gloucestershire Council

Find out more at drop-in event

The partners responsible for delivering this project will be hosting a drop-in event on Thursday, 29 August to allow local people to see the plans and to ask questions of the team. 

Colleagues will be available between 3pm and 7pm at St Mary’s Hall in Thornbury. All local people are welcome to join us.

Posted on 15th August 2024

by South Gloucestershire Council